Public Procurement
Terms & Conditions
About Us
Contact Us
Tender Documentation
A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire for Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works
Instructions Document
Forms and Declarations
1. Personal Situation Declaration
2. Contractor-Supplier Registration Form Details
3. Declaration C1 - Health & Safety - Contractor or PSCS Appointments
4. Declaration C3 - Health & Safety Compliance - Contractor
5. Declaration C4 - Health & Safety Compliance - PSCS
6. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 1 - Plant Hire Only
7. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 2 - Plant Hire with Operator
8. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 3 - Plant Hire with Operator with PSCS
Contract Documents and Terms & Conditions
Plant Hire DPS - Contract and Terms & Conditions - Lot 1
Plant Hire DPS - Contract and Terms & Conditions - Lot 2
Plant Hire DPS - Contract and Terms & Conditions - Lot 3
Road Signs & Ancillaries (Supply Only)
1. Instructions Document
2. Technical & Financial Envelopes - Lot 1
3. Technical & Financial Envelopes - Lot 2
4. Framework Agreement
5. Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
6. sRFT Term Contract
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - Instructions Document
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - eSAQ
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - DPS Agreement
Road Network Machine Survey Services
1. Road Network Machine Survey Services - Request for Tender
2. Road Network Machine Survey Services - General Requirements and Specification
3. Road Network Machine Survey Services - Framework Agreement
Road Markings
1. Road Markings - Instruction Document
2. Road Markings - Framework Agreement
3. Road Markings - eSuitability Assessment Questionnaires
4. Road Markings - Electronic Bill of Quantities
Bitumen Emulsion Supplies & Services 2022 - 2026
1. Instructions Document for Bitumen Emulsion Supplies & Services 2022 - 2026
2. Lot 1 Framework Agreement
3. Lot 2 Framework Agreement
Minor Building Works - Tradespersons
1. MBW Tradespersons - Instructions Document
2. MBW Tradespersons - DPS Agreement
3. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 1
4. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 2
5. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 3
Civil Engineering Works
1. Civil Engineering Works - Instructions Document
2. Civil Engineering Works - DPS Agreement
3. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
5. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 3
6. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 4
Asbestos Removal And Disposal
1. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - Instructions Document
2. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - Framework Agreement
3. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - eSuitability Questionnaire
Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species
1. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - Instructions Document
2. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - DPS Agreement
3. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works
1. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - Instructions Document
2. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - DPS Agreement
3. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
Civil Engineering Materials - Supply Only
1. Instructions Document - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
2. DPS Agreement - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
3. sRFT Contract - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
4. Lot 1 eSAQ - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
5. Lot 2 eSAQ - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)