Tender Documentation
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Collapse A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire for Local Authorities and the Office of Public WorksA Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Plant Hire for Local Authorities and the Office of Public Works
Instructions Document
Collapse Forms and DeclarationsForms and Declarations
1. Personal Situation Declaration
2. Contractor-Supplier Registration Form Details
3. Declaration C1 - Health & Safety - Contractor or PSCS Appointments
4. Declaration C3 - Health & Safety Compliance - Contractor
5. Declaration C4 - Health & Safety Compliance - PSCS
6. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 1 - Plant Hire Only
7. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 2 - Plant Hire with Operator
8. Relevant Experience Form - Lot 3 - Plant Hire with Operator with PSCS
Collapse Contract Documents and Terms & ConditionsContract Documents and Terms & Conditions
Plant Hire DPS - Contract and Terms & Conditions - Lot 1
Plant Hire DPS - Contract and Terms & Conditions - Lot 2
Plant Hire DPS - Terms & Conditions - Lot 3
Collapse Road Signs & Ancillaries (Supply Only)Road Signs & Ancillaries (Supply Only)
1. Instructions Document
2. Technical & Financial Envelopes - Lot 1
3. Technical & Financial Envelopes - Lot 2
4. Framework Agreement
5. Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
6. sRFT Term Contract
Collapse Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential PropertiesBuilding Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - Instructions Document
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - eSAQ
Building Contractors for Minor Building Works on Residential Properties - DPS Agreement
Collapse Road Network Machine Survey ServicesRoad Network Machine Survey Services
1. Road Network Machine Survey Services - Request for Tender
2. Road Network Machine Survey Services - General Requirements and Specification
3. Road Network Machine Survey Services - Framework Agreement
Collapse Road MarkingsRoad Markings
1. Road Markings - Instruction Document
2. Road Markings - Framework Agreement
3. Road Markings - eSuitability Assessment Questionnaires
4. Road Markings - Electronic Bill of Quantities
Collapse Bitumen Emulsion Supplies & Services 2022 - 2026Bitumen Emulsion Supplies & Services 2022 - 2026
1. Instructions Document for Bitumen Emulsion Supplies & Services 2022 - 2026
2. Lot 1 Framework Agreement
3. Lot 2 Framework Agreement
Collapse Minor Building Works - TradespersonsMinor Building Works - Tradespersons
1. MBW Tradespersons - Instructions Document
2. MBW Tradespersons - DPS Agreement
3. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 1
4. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 2
5. MBW Tradespersons - eSuitability Questionnaire Lot 3
Collapse Civil Engineering WorksCivil Engineering Works
1. Civil Engineering Works - Instructions Document
2. Civil Engineering Works - DPS Agreement
3. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
5. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 3
6. Civil Engineering Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 4
Collapse Asbestos Removal And DisposalAsbestos Removal And Disposal
1. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - Instructions Document
2. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - Framework Agreement
3. Asbestos Removal and Disposal - eSuitability Questionnaire
Collapse Management and Control of Invasive Plant SpeciesManagement and Control of Invasive Plant Species
1. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - Instructions Document
2. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - DPS Agreement
3. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Management and Control of Invasive Plant Species - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
Collapse Energy Efficiency Retrofitting WorksEnergy Efficiency Retrofitting Works
1. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - Instructions Document
2. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - DPS Agreement
3. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 1
4. Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Works - eSuitability Questionnaire - Lot 2
Collapse Civil Engineering Materials - Supply OnlyCivil Engineering Materials - Supply Only
1. Instructions Document - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
2. DPS Agreement - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
3. sRFT Contract - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
4. Lot 1 eSAQ - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)
5. Lot 2 eSAQ - Civil Engineering Materials (Supply Only)